Thursday, April 27, 2017

Sculpture modeling technique

In sculpture, there are many ways to do things, and one of those ways is an additive process called modeling.
As you can see in the image to the right, a man is sculpting a women out of clay, but he didn't just take a block and begin shaping, he made that piece by adding layers of clay onto her section by section and then he made those sections work together to create a woman. As you can see in the sculptures hair, it looks a little bit rough and layered. That is becaus he hasnt yet softened and shaped it out.

Artists use many different materials to make modeling sculptures. For example, wax and clay are the most common materials that are used, but artists also make model sculptures out of concrete or plaster.

 Another type of art creationg is called theory, when using this method you create the image using the oppisite colors and when that is all dry and set you cover up the oppisite image and cover it in the correct colors as a second layer of paint. This method will add highlights to the piece and bring out the shadows of the image.

This is another method of layering where you take individual pieces of the material and piece them together to create a form. In the image to the left, a bird was created using separate pieces of paper.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

These photos above are examples of kinetic art. Kinetic art is a piece that shows motion, even though it is a still image or piece. For example, the photo above and to the left makes the piece look like its moving, but it is completely a still sculpture. You could take of photo of any of these pieces using any angle and you would capture the same effect.

Kinetic art can be made out of many different materials, it is commonly created using metal or cardboard. It can also be created out of paper or wood.

Kinetic art can be any size. Sometimes it is a medium size piece like the photo above shows.