Wednesday, March 22, 2017

This blog is based on a collection of tape people sculptures.

When I was searching for a specific artist, it was hard to find more than one piece created by the same artist. I think that is because this type of art is pretty uncommon, but luckily, I will be creating one in my class soon.

I like that this piece has a lot of detail while being very simple. I like that the artist also used a prop, instead of just placing the piece in a place where it didn't get too much thought. Also, I this the rain boots are adorable.

 I think that my piece will be similar to this one. I would like it to be off the ground, or standing on one limb. While I was searching, I realised that there were no sculptures that involved a type of balance. I would like to create one that is unique and eye catching.


  1. The sculpture you made was definitely unique

  2. Third image looks like spiderman as a tape figure. Just apply red.

    Also the background looks like a peice of styrofoam with a bunch of holes poked into it. It looks cool!
