Thursday, October 20, 2016

Mayan Art Work

These below are photos of mayan art work in the form known as cancuens. They are round pieces which are 3D instead of being two dementional.

There are many different catagories of mayan sculpture and mayan art work in general. Some different catogories of mayan sculpture are the stelas, lintels, and the altars. This photo below is an example of stelas.

Many years ago wood carving mayan art work was highly common. However, Spanish colonial authorities began destroying these carvings causing very few authentic pieces to survive today. 

Friday, October 14, 2016

George Segal

These are some peices of art made by a man named George Segal. He commonly creates works of art using plaster to make casts of human bodies in everyday situations.
Here are some examples of what he does:

Walk, Don't Walk is the nae of this piece, which represents people waiting to cross the street. This is just one version of this piece in which many were made.

Another piece by him is this one, showing a man working his hours putting together a large platform. Maybe a roof, maybe a garage. I enjoy this photo because it feels very real and reminds me of when iI renevate houses and put in so many hours for the feeling of relief when all is finished.

This photo again feels very real along with most of the art work he creates. In this photo you see a man and a female sitting together casually on a bench in public. Although these people are not real or breathing, they still give off vibes as if somebody were there with you.

Negative space

These are examples of negative space in photos. My favorite thing about these photos is the way they can be so dark, yet you can still visualize so much and really feel the detail they bring while being so simple. Here are some photos that caught my eye.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Gohmn Art Work

Gohmn Art Work

I picked this type of art because it makes me think how these things would ever be possible to make,
I could stare at these photos forever just stuck on the thought of seeing one of these things in my life.
I picked this type of art to see bigger things in life and to be able to see them on my blog and imagine making one of these things and how long it would take to create along with making the blue prints and planning the design. I wonder how much it would cost to make one of these items.

Even though this was the first photo I saw, that's not the reason why I picked it. What I see when i look at this photo is a picture of nature paired with nature layed on grounds of earth and soil. When I see this photo i notice three things,
1: His eyes are closed to show peaceful resting as if he were taking a nap in the green grass of an open feild.
2: He has no hair, which is a different yet interesting thing to notice when viewing this piece.
3: He looks like he is still alive when you look at his neck and the way it arches over the grass rather than just laying on the grounf as if he weren't using any muscles to hold himself up.

This piece of art is a portait, which reminds me of roots making a person instead of their usual living form as a tree.

This piece is very sharp and is a very good example to show just how big these pieces of work can actually be, and how much effort it would take to make them.
I enjoy looking at the tree noticing that this large golden diamond shaped piece of art is in the middle of no where standing out, but there is a large green tree that you would see driving anywhere any road.