Friday, October 14, 2016

George Segal

These are some peices of art made by a man named George Segal. He commonly creates works of art using plaster to make casts of human bodies in everyday situations.
Here are some examples of what he does:

Walk, Don't Walk is the nae of this piece, which represents people waiting to cross the street. This is just one version of this piece in which many were made.

Another piece by him is this one, showing a man working his hours putting together a large platform. Maybe a roof, maybe a garage. I enjoy this photo because it feels very real and reminds me of when iI renevate houses and put in so many hours for the feeling of relief when all is finished.

This photo again feels very real along with most of the art work he creates. In this photo you see a man and a female sitting together casually on a bench in public. Although these people are not real or breathing, they still give off vibes as if somebody were there with you.


  1. I enjoy your posts! I do think it needs more images, because I'm interested in seeing more and reading more of your opinions, good job!

  2. I love this artist. The detail on the sculptures. I wouldve liked more pictures though.

    Vivianne Dotson
