Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Jasper Johns

Jasper Johns makes his art work by layering different materials after creating his sculptures in wax. In the photo below you can see the texture of these flags, meaning underneath the layer of paint he has put a material,  which has left a very rigid look to these pieces. This piece is called "Three Flags" and it was made in 1958.
Three Flags.jpg

This piece below is known as "Painted Bronz". I like this piece, because of its different collors and different size brushes which makes it look like it was used in an actual art studio. "Painted Bronz" was made in 1960 when Jasper Johns was exactly 30 years old.
Jasper Johns, Savarin coffee can with paint brushes.  Painted bronze 1960 13 1/2 in.:

I enjoy this piece, it reminds me of the dentist. It is known as "The Critic Smiles". I think the name is very interesting in the way it goes along with the piece showing that a lot of thought probably went into naming this tooth brush. "The Critics Smile" was created in 1959
Jasper Johns "The Critic Smiles":

When I was searching for 3D pieces made by Jasper Johns, it was a little bit hard to find pieces that caught my eye. This may be because Jasper Johns's main type of art is painting and print making. Although he does make occaisional sculpture, it would be much easier to find his number paintings or interesting prints. However, after I was looking for a little while, I found a few pieces that were both realated to light, These are so creative and detailed.

Flash Light, 1960/1988
Image result for jasper johns a spiral

Flash Light II, 1960/1988
Related image

English Light Bulb, 1970
Image result for jasper johns a spiral

Light Bulb, 1958
Jasper Johns Lightbulb, 1958

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