Sunday, January 8, 2017

Lorraine Corrigan Paper Dogs

 Image result for Lorraine Corrigan
This blog is about Lorraine Corrigan and she creates paper dogs. Lorraine usually sticks to creating sighthounds, such as whippets, greyhounds, and scotish wolfhounds. She only uses paper mache, books to stage them on, and a sharpie for the eyes to create these little pups.
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She has been active in making these sculptures since she was in a lower level sculpture class. She had trouble with sculpture using newspaper and so she searched for a better medium that would suit her technique.
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 Soon after the beginning of her search, she came across an old book that inspired her. She then began sculpting with this paper and as she did, she discovered new techniques of how to bring a slight motion to her art work.
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These techniques have allowed her to create gorgeous three dementional sighthounds.

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