Thursday, January 26, 2017

John Lopez

This artist is named John Lopez, who is still alive and making art today.
All of his pieces are designed with great thought and are life size or larger.

 His first project was to create 42 sculptures and line them up and down the streets of a city in the west.

He creates animals such as bison, horses, bears and deer.

 All of his sculptures are created with materials from pins to pitchforks and they are all recyled.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Nick Mackman - Ceramic Dogs

This is Nick Mackman. He creates ceramic dogs + other animals.

He creates pieces with wonderful personality and detail. Whenever he is planning to create a ceramic
Springer Spaniel Sculpturemodel, he puts a lot of thought into deciding the correct position and angle. Once he has decided his details, he takes a close look into the texture and thickness of the coat of the animal. Then he scales out his pattern to glaze.

Each one of his pieces is in the range of 13" - 25". Making it easy to mold, but harder to put realistic details into. I respect how much time and talent it must take to create something so precious as these things are.

I appreciate the way he poses his artwork in a white back room area, because I think it brings out the detail more, and it allows you to imagine what location this dog was in, rather than a given backround, which tells you where the dog is already located.

Image result for Nick Mackman
Nick Mackman creates all different types of animals, not only dogs. If you would like to look at the others, this is his website:

And below is an image of her in the process of creation.
Nick Mackman Dog Sculpture
Each of his pieces is an individual. Am I the only one who can't stop waiting for them to blink?

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Sunday, January 8, 2017

Lorraine Corrigan Paper Dogs

 Image result for Lorraine Corrigan
This blog is about Lorraine Corrigan and she creates paper dogs. Lorraine usually sticks to creating sighthounds, such as whippets, greyhounds, and scotish wolfhounds. She only uses paper mache, books to stage them on, and a sharpie for the eyes to create these little pups.
Image result for Lorraine Corrigan

She has been active in making these sculptures since she was in a lower level sculpture class. She had trouble with sculpture using newspaper and so she searched for a better medium that would suit her technique.
Image result for Lorraine Corrigan

 Soon after the beginning of her search, she came across an old book that inspired her. She then began sculpting with this paper and as she did, she discovered new techniques of how to bring a slight motion to her art work.
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These techniques have allowed her to create gorgeous three dementional sighthounds.

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