Saturday, February 11, 2017

Driftwood Sculptures

These are pieces of art created by Nagato Iwasaki.
 Not only is it amazing that he creates these figures using only driftwood, but he makes these figures human size, if not larger.

I appreciate his artwork because I see how much thought he must put into these pieces before he creates them, and also I like the locations he chooses to put them in.

↜ I like the way this photo shows not only the piece, but also the place where it is created. For me, it is important to know the thought and location that helped to put the piece together, because it is not only the art that matters but the planning that goes into it.

As seen in the two images below, he also places his work in areas and shapes that they wouldnt usually be expected.


  1. I really like this artist and the way they created this type of art. I love the materials he used and how it was turned into life size structures, as well as how he put the art pieces back in nature.

    1. hehe thanks! you have a good way of seeing his artwork:)

  2. That's some awesome art that he uses something that is so dead and usless and turns it into this lively pieces of art.

  3. I love the driftwood figures. They give me this ethereal fantasy creature vibe. Like ents wandering through the forest.

    Vivianne Dotson

  4. Wow these are amazing. I agree that the planning behind the art is just as important as the art itself and I enjoy the locations he chose for his pieces.
